Americans with Disabilities Act
This applies to private employers and state or local governments as employers. ADA Title I prohibits employers, employment agencies, labor unions, and joint labor-management committees from discriminating against people with disabilities. Title I applies to employers with 15 or more employees.
Filing a Complaint under ADA Title I (Employment)
Complaints must be filed with the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) within 180 days of the date of discrimination, or 300 days if the complaint is filed with a State or local fair employment practice agency. People may file a lawsuit in court only after they receive a “right-to-sue” letter from the EEOC. For more information about filing employment-related disability discrimination complaints, explore through the EEOC’s site.
- Related Issue: Employment
>> Title II – State and Local Governments
This requires state and local governments to make their programs, services, and activities accessible to people with disabilities.
You may use this page to educate and advocate for equal access to state and local government programs, services, and activities. The page provides general information about Title II of the ADA that applies to all types of state and local agencies, including courts, schools, social service agencies, hospitals, legislatures, commissions and councils, recreational facilities, libraries, and state/county/city departments and other agencies.
- health care providers, hospitals and other healthcare facilities
- police and law enforcement, state and local courts, and jails and prisons
Filing a Complaint under ADA Title II (State and Local Governments)
When you experience discrimination by state and local governments, you may file an ADA Title II complaint with the Department of Justice. he form will help you know the kind of information you should include in your complaint. You must file a complaint within 180 days of the discrimination. You may also file a lawsuit in state or federal court.
>> Title III – Places of Public Accommodation (Private Businesses)
This requires businesses that are open to the public to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to all that they offer. It covers a wide range of private businesses, including retail stores,hotels, theaters, restaurants, doctors’ and lawyers’ offices, optometrists, dentists, banks, insurance agencies, museums, parks, libraries, day care centers, recreational programs, social service agencies, and private schools. It covers both profit and non-profit organizations. Unlike the employment section of the ADA, which only applies to employers with 15 or more employees, ADA Title III applies to all businesses, regardless of size.
You may use this Public Accommodations page, which provides general information about ADA Title III, to inform and advocate for equal access to many different kinds of businesses. Other resources apply to specific businesses:
- private schools, higher education, and other educational opportunities
- health care providers, hospitals and other healthcare facilities
- lawyers and legal services
- hotels and motels
Filing a Complaint under ADA Title III (Public Accommodations)
When you experience discrimination by businesses that are open to the public, you can file a Title III complaint. There is no time limit for filing an ADA Title III complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice, but you should file as soon as possible. You may also file a lawsuit in state or federal court.
>> Title IV – Telecommunications Relay Services
This mandates a nationwide system of telecommunications relay services to make the telephone network accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have speech impairments.
- Law: 47 U.S.C. § 255
- Rules: 47 C.F.R. §§ 64.601 – 64.606 available here and here
- Related Issue: Telephones and Relay Services
>> Title V – Miscellaneous Provisions
This contains rules that are not covered in other parts of the ADA, includes:
- States cannot claim immunity from ADA-related legal action. People with disabilities may sue any state agency for violations of the ADA, but may not recover money.
- Protects people with disabilities from being punished for asserting their rights under the ADA.
- Courts may award attorney’s fees to the winning party in an ADA lawsuit.
- Congress is covered by the ADA.
- Other federal and state laws can be stronger and provide greater protections and rights than the ADA.
- Resources
- Directories
- State Agencies of Deaf and HoH
- ASL at Universities
- State by State ASL Resource
- Senior Resources
- Statewide Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Deaf Interpreters Directory
- What is ASL?
- Community and Culture – FAQ
- International Week of the Deaf
- Learning ASL
- Teaching ASL
- Interpreting ASL
- Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- No Child Left Behind Act
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- State and Local Government Services
- Public Accommodations
- Coalition of Organizations for Accessible Technology
- 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act
- Information for Parents
- Early Intervention Services
- Service Provider Qualifications
- Sign Language for Parents
- Tips for Developing an Individualized Family Services Plan
- Transition into Preschool
- More Resources
- Shared Experience: Maryland
- Shared Experience: New Mexico
- Bill of Rights for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
- Cogswell Bill History and Update
- Education Advocates
- Higher Education
- State and Local Colleges and Universities
- Private Colleges and Other Post-Secondary Institutions
- Educational Placements
- Section 504 and ADA Obligations of Public Schools
- Additional Resources
- ADA Obligations of Private Schools, Classes, or Programs
- Resources for You and Your Community
- Access to Televised Emergency Information
- Don’t Throw Away Your TTY!
- Mental Health Services
- Culturally Affirmative and Linguistically Accessible Services
- Model Mental Health For Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals Bill of Rights Act
- Promoting a Bill of Rights to Ensure Appropriate Direct Mental Health Services for Individuals Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities
- Questions and Answers for Health Care Providers
- Lawyers and Legal Services
- Communication Access Funds for Legal Services
- Communication Access with Police and Law Enforcement
- Communication Access in Federal Courts
- Communication Access in State and Local Courts
- Rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inmates
- 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act
- Assistive Listening
- Assistive Listening Systems and Devices
- Hearing Aids
- Coverage of Hearing Aids by Health Care Benefits Plans
- Hearing Aid Assistance Tax Credit Act
- What is Captioning?
- When is Captioning Required?
- Communication Access Realtime Translation
- Described and Captioned Media Program
- Captioning Deadlines
- Captioning on the Internet
- Government Websites
- Business Websites
- Accessible Telecommunications Equipment and Services
- Access to 911 Emergency Services
- Captioned Telephone Service (CTS)
- Internet Protocol Relay (IP Relay) Service
- IP Captioned Telephone Service
- Interoperability
- Introductory Remarks at the FCC Workshop on VRS Reform
- Message to Businesses: Don’t Hang Up!
- Relay Services
- Ten-Digit Numbers and 9-1-1 Emergency Services
- TTY and TTY Relay Services
- Video Relay Services
- Closed Captioning Decoders
- Closed Captioning Requirements
- Captioning Live Programs
- Exemptions from the Closed Captioning Rule
- The “Undue Burden” Exemption
- Filing Closed Captioning Complaints
- Analog and Digital Closed Captioning
- Access to Televised Emergency Information
- Political Advertising
- Online Closed Captioning
- Closed Captioning Quality
- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Air Travel
- Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA)
- Hotline for Air Travelers with Disabilities
- Airport Security Screening
- Complaints Resolution Official