Our Mission: To strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army’s workforce, to conserve manpower, and to enhance the combat readiness of Soldiers.
Services: Biochemical Testing, Prevention Education, Risk Reduction and Suicide Prevention. Rehabilitation services are authorized for all eligible personnel as directed by AR 600-85 and AR 40-68. The program supports TRICARE, medical and mental health treatment providers, as well as other public and private agencies by accepting referrals for consultation, evaluation, and treatment.
Please Note Changes to ASAP Clinical Care: The Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC) is the Army's new model for providing substance use disorder and other behavioral healthcare in an integrated, unit aligned, and co-located manner. Clinical services, through SUDCC, are now re-aligned to the following locations:
Fort Stewart, Winn Army Community Hospital, 1061 Harmon Ave, 912-435-6787/7299.
North Troop Medical Clinic, 8435 Vanguard Road, 912-435-9354.
Hunter Army Airfield, SUDCC, 38 North Schmidt BLDG 1228, (912)435-3600/3601.
EAP offers short-term screening, intervention and referral services, crisis intervention, worksite intervention, consultation services, a wide variety of trainings and assistance. Our aim is to help employees with identifying and resolving personal problems that may negatively affect their job performance and well-being. The EAPC is available to assist management with addressing productivity issues.
EAP provides services to the following:
For more information, contact the EAP Manager at (912) 767-5672/6200 or (912) 767-5974.
Closing TabThe Fort Stewart Drug Testing Technicians collect and maintain quality assurance of each specimen that arrives at the ASAP office. Quality Assurance is performed to maintain the integrity of each specimen collected and maintain the Chain of Custody at all times in accordance with Army Regulation 600-85.
For more information regarding Fort Stewart Drug Testing, please call (912) 767-5944. For more information regarding Hunter Army Airfield Drug Testing, please call (912) 315-5175.
8:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Turn-In & Processing, Supply Pick Up
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Closed for Lunch/FedEx Drop Off
2:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Storage & Supply Pick Up Only, NO PROCESSING
7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Pre-Employment (Please Call to Schedule) Random Urinalysis
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Closed for Lunch/FedEx Drop Off
8:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Turn-In & Processing, Supply Pick Up
7:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Pre-Employment (Please Call to Schedule) Random Urinalysis
Closing TabThe Fort Stewart Army Substance Abuse Program is responsible for training Unit Prevention Leaders (UPL) to effectively conduct substance abuse prevention activities in their units. Each unit is required to have a Certified Primary and an Alternate UPL. Certification is valid for 18 months and it is a requirement to maintain certification in order to collect samples.
The Fort Stewart Team of Dedicated Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) Specialists provide informative substance abuse prevention training to our Soldiers, leaders, Civilian employees, and other groups upon request. Our team of dedicated ASAP Specialists are available to assist commanders and unit prevention leaders with unit based substance abuse prevention programs and provide information and awareness to the community by promoting a variety of substance abuse prevention campaigns throughout the year.
For more information regarding Fort Stewart ASAP Specialists, please call (912) 767-1146. For more information regarding Hunter Army Airfield, please call (912) 315-5592.
To schedule a substance abuse prevention training, call ASAP today!
Closing TabAR 600-85, paragraphs 4-2 o - q, state: Article 112a, Uniform Code of Military Justice; specifically prohibits the unlawful use of the following substances: opium, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), methamphetamine, phencyclidine, barbituric acid, marijuana, and any compound or derivative of any such substance. Article 112a, UCMJ, also prohibits the unlawful use of any other substance prescribed by the President or listed in Schedules I through V of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812). In addition, this regulation prohibits Soldiers from using Hemp or products containing Hemp oil. It also prohibits using the following substances for the purpose of inducing excitement, intoxication, or stupefaction of the central nervous system. This provision is not intended to prohibit the otherwise lawful use of alcoholic beverages:
Per Army Regulation 600-85, The Army Substance Abuse Program, Soldiers are prohibited from using hemp or products containing hemp oil and are also prohibited from using synthetic cannabis, to include synthetic blends using CBD oil, and other THC substitutes ("spice"), or any other substance similarly designed to mimic the effects of a controlled substance.
For More Information, please visit the U.S. Army Public Health Center website.
Drug abuse can have serious, negative effects on your health, performance, and ability to function well. Some Service Members use drugs to cope with mental, emotional, or physical problems that can accompany duty or deployment. Or they sometimes use illegal drugs (or even supplements) as a quick fix or to rapidly reach a goal. Unfortunately, these short-term solutions can lead to long-term problems. Still, it’s important to remember effective resources are out there if you need help.
For more information, please visit the Human Performance Resource Center.
UPLs must be certified to perform their duties by successfully completing the UPL exam. If a UPL is deployed, they may be certified using the distance learning and certification procedures explained at www.asap@army.mil. Upon successful completion of all course requirements, UPLs will receive a certificate of training and a UPL certification card. A UPL reassigned to another command may be appointed as a UPL at the new command with proof of a previous certification until recertification is required at the 18-month point.
UPL must recertified every 18 months.
There is no specified time limit that a sample has to reach the testing laboratory and there is no specified time limit on how long the samples can be stored. Our guidance is to send samples to the lab as soon as possible in order to maintain the integrity and stability of the sample. The most important thing is that the chain of custody appropriately reflects the collection date, time the sample was placed in and removed from temporary storage, and ship date to the lab. It is important that the samples remain in temporary storage under strict chain of custody the entire time they are waiting to be shipped.
The Commander needs to understand, however, that the metabolites that are tested for by our labs degrade over time, especially in extreme temperatures. Therefore, these specimens may all test negative due to metabolite degradation.
Closing TabThe commanders of companies, detachments, and equivalent units will—
a. Assist the battalion commander in implementing the battalion drug and alcohol testing program (see chap 4).
b. Implement ASAP prevention and education initiatives addressed in chapter 9 of this regulation. Ensure that all Soldiers receive a minimum of 4 hours of alcohol and other drug abuse training per year.
c. Appoint an officer or NCO (E–5 or above) on orders as UPL and alternate UPL, who must be certified through the UPL training addressed in paragraph 9–6.
d. Document that all newly assigned Soldiers are briefed on ASAP policies and services within 30 days of arrival.
e. Maintain liaison with ASAP garrison and counseling staffs.
f. Maintain ASAP elements while deployed, to the maximum extent possible.
g. Foster a positive command climate that discourages alcohol and drug abuse and is supportive of those who need assistance from the ASAP for problems related to alcohol and other drug abuse. Support substance abuse prevention campaigns and alcohol -free activities in the unit and on the installation.
h. Consult with the servicing legal office for all drug and alcohol related offenses.
i. Immediately report all offenses involving illegal possession, sale, or trafficking in drugs or drug paraphernalia to CID. Commanders are no longer required to report positive urinalysis results to local law enforcement; however, this does not alleviate commanders of the requirement to initiate administrative separation in accordance with paragraph 10-6 of this regulation, Flag the Soldier, and refer the Soldier to the ASAP for evaluation and treatment/education by completing DA Form 8003.
J. Commanders will report to the ADCO the initiation and final disposition for all Soldiers with an illicit positive drug test and Soldiers involved in two serious incidents of alcohol-related misconduct within 12 months. In addition, commanders must complete and submit DA Form 4833.
k. Ensure that Soldiers promptly provide medical evidence for legitimate use of a prescribed drug to the MRO when requested.
l. Consult with the servicing legal office for all drug and alcohol related offenses.
m. Refer any Soldier to the ASAP for evaluation within 5 duty days of notification that the Soldier received a positive urinalysis for illicit drug use or was involved in alcohol-related misconduct. Commanders of geographically emote units should contact the CD of the nearest installation for guidance.
n. Assist the UPL in the development of a unit substance abuse program SOP and sign it at least annually.
o. Ensure that the URI is administered to all Soldiers at least 30 days before an operational deployment and the RURI is administered to all Soldiers between 30 and 180 days after returning from an operational deployment (see para 12–6).