The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research

Sixth Edition
Norman K. Denzin - University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign, USA
Yvonna S Lincoln - Texas A&M University, USA
Michael Donald Giardina - Florida State University, USA
Gaile S. Cannella - Independent Scholar

800 pages | April, 2023 | SAGE Publications, Inc Instant Access! ISBN: 9781071836767 Add To Cart ISBN: 9781071836743 Add To Cart Instant Access! ISBN: 9781071836767

This new edition of the SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research represents the sixth generation of the ongoing conversation about the discipline, practice, and conduct of qualitative inquiry. As with earlier editions, the Sixth Edition is virtually a new volume, with 27 of the 34 chapters representing new topics or approaches not seen in the previous edition, including intersectionality; critical disability research; postcolonial and decolonized knowledge; diffraction and intra-action; social media methodologies; thematic analysis, collaborative inquiry from the borderlands; qualitative inquiry and public health science; co-production and the politics of impact; publishing qualitative research; and academic survival. Authors in the Sixth Edition engage with questions of ontology and epistemology, the politics of the research act, the changing landscape of higher education, and the role qualitative researchers play in contributing to a more just, egalitarian society.

To mark the Handbook’s 30-year history, we are pleased to offer a bonus PART VI in the eBook versions of the Sixth Edition: this additional section brings together and reprints ten of the most famous or game-changing contributions from the previous five editions. You can bundle the print + eBook version with bundle ISBN: 978-1-0719-2874-5.

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ISBN: 9781071836767 Suggested Retail Price: $56.00 Bookstore Price: $44.80 ISBN: 9781071836767 Suggested Retail Price: $63.00 Bookstore Price: $50.40 ISBN: 9781071836767 Suggested Retail Price: $70.00 Bookstore Price: $56.00 ISBN: 9781071836767 Suggested Retail Price: $101.00 Bookstore Price: $80.80 ISBN: 9781071836743 Suggested Retail Price: $151.00 Bookstore Price: $120.80 Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research Part I: Locating the Field A History of Qualitative Inquiry in Social and Educational Research Ethics, Research Regulations, and Critical Qualitative Science Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging Confluences, Revisited Part II: Philosophies of Inquiry Feminist Inquiry Critical Race Theory and the Postracial Imaginary Intersectionality Methodology: A Qualitative Research Imperative for Black Women’s Lives Queer/Quare Theory: Worldmaking and Methodologies (Revisited) Critical Disability Studies and Diverse Bodyminds in Qualitative Inquiry Critical Post-Intentional Phenomenological Inquiry (crit-PIP): Why it Matters and What it Can Do Why We Do Indigenous Methodologies: Contemplations On Indigenous Protocol, Theory and Method Postcolonial and Decolonized Knowing: Speaking “Nearby”: A Letter to Rekha Poststructural Engagements Agential Realism, Intra-Action, and Diffractive Methodology Part III: Practices of Inquiry Examining the ‘inside lives’ of research interviews Observation in a Surveilled World Ethnographic Futures: Embodied, Diffractive, and Decolonizing Approaches Critical Situational Analysis after the Interpretive Turn Thematic Analysis Qualitative Social Media Methods: Netnography in the Age of Technocultures Autoethnography as Becoming-with Performance Shapes for Qualitative Inquiry The Arts as Research: Nomadic Materiality and Possible Futures Communicative Methodology: Working Together with the Roma Community for Improving Their Lives Betweener Autoethnographies: Collaborative Inquiry from the Borderlands Part IV: The Politics of Evidence, Science, and Knowledge Qualitative Inquiry and Public Health Science: Case Studies from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Science, evidence and the development of policy and practice: Can Qualitative Research Make a Different Contribution?

Co-production and Impact: Challenges and Opportunities

The Elephant in the Living Room, or, Extending the Conversation about the Politics of Evidence, Part 2

Backsliding Toward Illiberal Democracy & Authoritarianism: Qualitative Inquiry, Academic Freedom, and Technologies of Governance

Part V: Into the Future Academic Survival: Qualitative Researchers in the Neoliberal Academy Publishing and Reviewing Qualitative Research Qualitative Inquiry and Posthuman Futures: Justice and Challenging the Human/Nonhuman Life Dichotomy The Future of Qualitative Research

"This is a great book, and they have done a great job evolving the contents through all these years. We are deeply indebted to the authors, whose knowledge and experience has enriched the field of research."

Masoud Ghaffari
East Tennessee State University