More than just a guide, the Handbook of Technical Writing places writing in a real-world context with quick access to hundreds of technical writing topics and scores of sample documents and visuals. Its dedicated author team — with decades of combined academic and professional experience — has created a comprehensive reference tool for students and professionals alike.
Always anticipating the needs of today’s writers, the ninth edition includes expanded coverage of audience and context, and reflects the impact that e-mail and technology have had on workplace communication. An integrated companion Web site works together with the text to offer expanded online resources with the same clarity and depth of instruction.
Gerald J. Alred is Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, where he teaches courses in the Graduate Professional Writing Program. He is author of numerous scholarly articles and several standard bibliographies on business and technical communication. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Communication and a recipient of the prestigious Jay R. Gould Award for "profound scholarly and textbook contributions to the teaching of business and technical writing."
Charles T. Brusaw was a faculty member at NCR Corporation’s Management College, where he developed and taught courses in professional writing, editing, and presentation skills for the corporation worldwide. Previously, he worked in advertising and public relations, and he has been a communications consultant, an invited speaker at academic conferences, and a teacher of business writing at Sinclair Community College.
Walter E. Oliu served as Chief of the Publishing Services Branch at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, where he managed the agency’s printing, graphics, editing, and publishing programs. He also developed the public-access standards for and managed daily operations of the agency’s public Web site. He has taught at Miami University of Ohio, Slippery Rock State University, and Montgomery College and is currently an adjunct faculty member at George Mason University.
Название | Handbook of Technical Writing: A PDF-style e-book |
Авторы | Gerald J. Alred , Charles T. Brusaw , Walter E. Oliu |
Издание: | 9, исправленное |
Издатель | Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010 |
ISBN | 0312586639, 9780312586638 |
Количество страниц | Всего страниц: 624 |
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Экспорт цитаты | BiBTeX EndNote RefMan |