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The Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Student Employment Office is in S-107 Criser Hall and can be contacted at (352) 392-0296 or via email at mailto:sfa-fws@mail.ufl.edu sfa-fws@mail.ufl.edu.

The Student Employment Office aids students as they seek part-time employment through various job programs. Employment enables students to cover part of their expenses while attending school, and studies show that work has positive effects on students’ overall academic achievements. Job opportunities exist for all students regardless of eligibility for financial aid.

Employment should not interfere with students’ educational goals. A normal workweek is 10 to 20 hours, and 20 hours per week is the maximum students may work on campus. Students can petition to work more than 20 hours per week by completing the online https://docs.erp.ufl.edu/appnet/UnityForm.aspx?d1=Aevgc9DOEEvVy4NeYH1KIXKcwIZov90q2IbdntTlZ0ALTCyi7YstV7tdT4KfcbUjdNzJGDv1K5WR0FSZ6kjAEEnyuXukC2f4KAp4SgzXRNrQ1ymXfY3PpX8Ef0rPlu1Uf6aJ%2fHjy3stzHR%2f7ODue0zhnxKye%2f%2fUY6NEP4kf74PWiy0U0%2bkHjsC8%2b%2fs5R%2fORoBEW%2fK2WmAdWzLQhIrA4k6uE%3d Hours Extension form. The student’s academic adviser must also complete the advising section of the petition. If the petition is approved, the student is allowed to work a maximum of 31 hours per week across all employed positions on campus.

International students on an F-1 visa are limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week while classes are in session at UF. Please see the https://www.sfa.ufl.edu/pdf/StudentWorkHourRestrictions.pdf Work Hours Restrictions chart for more information on how many hours students may work based upon their enrollment.

Students and employers generally cooperate on the hours to be worked, and most jobs allow students to arrange their schedules around their classes. Students are not permitted to work during scheduled classes or exams.

Almost every department at UF employs students part-time. These jobs offer students work related to their skills, academic or career fields, and experiences or interests. Job duties range from those demanding special research skills to those demanding only the willingness to work. All offices on campus post jobs through http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu Careers at UF.

How to Find and Apply for a Job

To search and apply for on-campus jobs, including all Federal Work-Study (FWS), Federal Community Service, and OPS positions, go to http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu Careers at UF. Choose “Explore Jobs at UF.” For “Work Type,” choose “Student Ast.”

Search for off-campus jobs through the https://career.ufl.edu https://career.ufl.edu Career Connections Center using your Gator CareerLink Account.

Proof of FWS Eligibility

Students seeking FWS jobs should print a copy of their Financial Aid Award Page, which contains the Federal Work Study award, and take this with them to job interviews as proof of FWS eligibility. Students already employed at UF should present a copy of their Financial Aid Award Page to their current employer. This is in place of a Work Permit. To print your Financial Aid Award Page, go to https://one.uf.edu/financialaid/aidyear https://one.uf.edu/financialaid/aidyear.

OPS jobs do not require a FWS award. Students can provide the hiring department a copy of their semester schedules, which are also available on https://one.uf.edu/myschedule/ https://one.uf.edu/myschedule/.

Please note that students with Federal Work Study (FWS) must be enrolled at least half time to work on campus.

Federal Work-Study Program

The purpose of Federal Work-Study (FWS) is to provide students with part-time employment to help meet college costs and, if possible, provide work experience in a related field. FWS is federally funded and need-based. Your eligibility is determined from information you provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To be eligible, you must show need on your federal need analysis report. Complete the FAFSA at https://studentaid.gov/fafsa studentaid.gov.

Funding for the FWS program at UF is limited, so we cannot guarantee that every eligible student will be awarded: therefore, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of completing the FAFSA early each year. Although you must be accepted for enrollment at UF before you are considered for financial aid, you should apply for aid before being admitted.

Federal Work-Study eligibility is determined annually so it is important you submit your FASFA each year. http://www.sfa.ufl.edu/process/how-to-apply-for-aid/ How to apply for aid.

Employment through the FWS program allows students the flexibility of participating in either on-campus employment or in a #fcs Federal Community Service work site. You can search and apply for Federal Work-Study and Federal Community Service jobs through http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu Careers at UF.

The following are general eligibility criteria:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident.
  2. Demonstrate financial need using the results of your FAFSA.
  3. Maintain satisfactory http://www.sfa.ufl.edu/process/additional-information/satisfactory-academic-progress-policy/ academic progress.
  4. Be enrolled at least half-time as an undergraduate or graduate student.
  5. Not have defaulted on or owe a refund to any aid program.
  6. Postbaccalaureate students must see their financial aid adviser to petition for eligibility.

Since this is a need-based program, additional aid such as grants, scholarships, etc. received after FWS eligibility has been determined could reduce the amount awarded.

2023-2024 Work Eligibility Dates

Fall 2023: August 18, 2023 to December 28, 2023
Spring 2024: December 29, 2023 to May 9, 2024
Summer 2024: May 10, 2024 to August 15, 2024

2024-2025 Work Eligibility Dates

Fall 2024: August 16, 2024 to January 2, 2025 Spring 2025: January 3, 2025 to May 8, 2025 Summer 2025: May 9, 2025 to August 14, 2025

Graduating students cannot work past the Thursday before their commencement in any term.

Federal Community Service Work-Study

The 1998 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965 contained a new provision, which required institutions to use part of their Federal Work Study allocation to pay students working in jobs which serve the larger community. Students working in community service jobs must be providing services which are designed to improve the quality of life for community residents, particularly low-income individuals, or to solve problems related to their needs. Such services include fields such as health care, childcare, literacy training, education, welfare, social services, transportation, housing and neighborhood improvement, public safety, crime prevention and control, recreation, rural development, community improvement, support to students (other than those of the institution itself) with disabilities, mentoring, tutoring, supporting recreational activities, and counseling.

Students can gain new skills, explore career choices, and assist with meeting the Gainesville community service needs. They can do something they will enjoy, can learn from, and feel good about at the end of the year. An additional benefit to the student is the earnings are not included as part of their income in determining eligibility for federal financial aid in the application year following their employment. You can search and apply for Federal Work-Study and Federal Community Service jobs through http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu http://jobs.ufl.edu Careers at UF.

This program helps improve relations between the University of Florida and the Gainesville community. An additional benefit to the employing agencies is that it only pays 25% of the student’s earnings. The other 75% are funded by the Federal Work Study Program. Agencies interested in partnering with the University of Florida to be a designated community service agency should contact The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Student Employment section at (352) 392-0296. The following agencies are Federal Community Service Employers:

Shands Legal Services

Other Personnel Services (OPS)

Student OPS Employment has relocated to Human Resource Services located at 903 West University Avenue and can be contacted at (352) 392-2477 or via email at mailto:hrsstudentemployment@ad.ufl.edu hrsstudentemployment@ad.ufl.edu.

Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Work Study

On- and off-campus jobs are available for enrolled veterans of the U.S. armed services. For eligibility and application information check with the UF Student Veterans Services, S107 Criser Hall, PO Box 114000, Gainesville FL, 32611-4000, Phone: 352-392-2244, Email: military-benefits@ufl.edu.

Florida Work Experience Program (FWEP)

FWEP is a state-funded, need-based student work program, which is awarded by SFA.

Career Connections Center

The following work programs are administered by the Career Connections Center at the Reitz Union. For more information, contact the Career Connections Center, First Floor Reitz Union, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.

Cooperative Education

The Cooperative (Co-op) Education Program combines actual paid work experience with students’ academic curriculums. This program is career oriented: its primary purpose is professional training rather
than financial assistance. Co-op experience is available in areas such as business, industry, and government.

To qualify for Co-op, you must have completed your freshman year with at least a 2.0 GPA. Co-op salaries vary, but students earn enough to allow them to pay immediate living expenses and often to supplement college expenses.

For more information, call the Co-op Office at (352) 392-1601; or go to the https://career.ufl.edu/gain-experience/co-op/ Co-op web page on the Career Connections Center Website.


Internships are professional, off-campus work experiences that assist students in acquiring the experience and skills that are necessary to be competitive in today’s job market, allowing them to test the “career waters.” This centralized campus program coordinates the internship needs of employers nationwide with the needs of UF students.

Internships are usually for one semester, which makes them ideal for students unable to meet Co-op work-semester requirements. Part-time positions are available locally. Internship experience is available to most majors, can be paid or unpaid, and may be available for academic credit based on departmental approval. For information, call the Internship Office at (352) 392-1601; or go to the https://career.ufl.edu/gain-experience/internships/ Internship web page on the Career Connections Center Website.


An externship is an employer shadowing experience that typically lasts from a few hours to one week. Externships provide students with the opportunity to observe professionals and learn about possible careers in that field. This is a great option for students of any academic year who are unsure of their major or career goals and want to “test” a career without a semester-long (or longer) commitment to a company, or who want to start networking with professionals in that industry.

Off-Campus Employment and Employers

The Career Connections Center offers local businesses and private employers the opportunity to post part-time jobs for University of Florida (UF) students. Students can check the listings by using their Gator Career Link Account at the https://career.ufl.edu/employers/ Career Connections Center.


Students from all majors can execute professional assignments, or Micro-Internships, to build and demonstrate skills while exploring a variety of career paths. Micro-Internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. These projects enable Career Launchers to demonstrate skills, explore career paths, and build their networks as they seek the right full-time role. Unlike traditional internships, Micro-Internships can take place year-round, typically range from 5 to 40 hours of work, and are due between one week and one month after kick-off. Micro-Internships are used by companies ranging from those in the Fortune 100 to emerging start-ups, and go across departments including sales, marketing, technology, HR, and finance.

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