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In this article Play, share, and edit recordings June 28, 2024 | 1171488 view(s) | 5636 people thought this was helpful In this article Play, share, and edit recordings Webex | Record a meeting or webinar In this articleRecord meetings or webinars for people who can't attend or for those who want to refer back to what was discussed. Your recordings can either be saved to the cloud or your computer as a local recording.
There are two ways to record meetings and webinar. Your account type and Webex site configuration determine which recording method you can use.
You can record meetings as a cohost in Webex version 42.12 and later.
Beginning April 1, 2023, you can't use Webex Events (classic) to schedule webinars. You can still access any existing recordings of webinars scheduled with Events (classic) after that date.
Webex Free plan - Not available
Webex Starter, Plus, and Business plans - Available
Enterprise plans - configured by Webex Site administrator.
Webex Free, Starter, Plus, and Business plans - Available
Enterprise plans - configured by Webex Site administrator.
If you use Webex Training sessions, you can recording your training sessions.
After you record a meeting or webinar, find your recording so you can edit it, view and edit transcripts, and share it with others. The following list includes things you can do with recorded meetings as the host, cohost, or a viewer:
Frequently asked questions
If the host isn't in the meeting, a cohost assumes the host role and can record. Once the original host joins, they take back the host role and the ability to record.
Recordings that you save either to the cloud or to your computer save in the MP4 format.
Panels, such as the chat panel and participants panel, aren't included in the recording if you record to your computer. Any video files you share using Share File aren't included.
Webex stores all your recorded meetings either locally on your computer or on User Hub. You can find your recordings and share or download them from User Hub.
If you were invited to a meeting as an attendee or cohost, ask the host of your meeting to get the recording.
Depending on file size and bandwidth, it can take up to 24 hours to receive your recording.
For meetings or webinars that last many hours, it's a good idea to make multiple recordings for more manageable file size and easier viewing.
When the recording is ready, we'll send you an email with the recording and all the details you need to play and share it with others.
If you clicked Record during your meeting, the recording indicator
appears on the top-right of your window, letting you know that the meeting is being recorded. After the meeting, you can also check your meetings list on User Hub to see if you recorded the meeting successfully. Recordings can take up to 24 hours to appear on User Hub, depending on the file size and bandwidth.
Sign in to User Hub and select Recordings .
Select Calendar > Completed .
Meetings that you recorded successfully have a Recording label.